Hey team,
We are running a Karate Holiday Camp on the 28th of September for all our members and their friends. The day will start off with basic karate movements then evolve into some cool movie style techniques that aren’t normally taught in class. We will also see if a couple of flips are on the cards.
The morning will be broken up with a snack break. Lunch will be pizza for everyone. Our afternoon will also have a snack break.
After our lunch break we will move to a more craft/spiritual side of karate by learning some origami patterns, foam nunchucks and near the end of the day we will settle the kids down with a bit of Zen training.
This will be a great camp for anyone no matter how long they have or haven’t trained for. The camp is only $75 per student and includes everything on the day, all you need to do is bring a water bottle.
If your already a member let us know and we can add it to your account all new members use this link Join Our Awesome Camp
P.S. This event is a fundraiser for our team to compete in the USA next year, you support is greatly appreciated.